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Discover SWEEPS for a more effective endodontic treatment at IDS

Using SWEEPS endodontic treatment allows for minimally invasive root canal preparation. It uses synchronised pairs of ultrashort pulses that create enhanced shock wave emission even inside the narrowest canals. (Image: Fotona)


Mon. 13. March 2023


COLOGNE, Germany: Fotona’s SWEEPS (shock wave-enhanced emission photoacoustic streaming) is a revolutionary means of cleaning and disinfecting the root canal system. It uses the power of the Er:YAG laser to create deeply penetrating shock waves within the irrigation solution in the root canal system. Over the next few days, visitors to the International Dental Show (IDS) will have the opportunity to see hands-on demonstrations and enter into in-depth discussions with laser experts at the Fotona booth (#N059) in Hall 10.2.

The SWEEPS endodontic laser treatment successfully addresses a major disadvantage of classical chemomechanical treatment procedures: the inability to completely clean, debride and disinfect anatomically complex root canal systems. Using a laser can make a significant difference in removing the smear layer and bacteria from all parts of the root canal system, which is often difficult with conventional techniques. The irrigant absorbs the laser energy, which results in creation of bubbles. The subsequent collapse of these laser-induced bubbles results in the emission of shock waves, which propel the irrigant throughout the extent of the root canal system, including the lateral canals and dentinal tubules, leaving the root canal system clean and free of a smear layer and biofilm.

The major advantage of the SWEEPS technology lies in the easy positioning of the cavitation source within the pulp chamber, at a safe distance from the apex. This position permits simultaneous irrigation throughout the entire root canal system, regardless of the anatomy and without the risk of apical extrusion. With SWEEPS irrigation, the irrigant is even delivered within the lateral canals, isthmuses and other irregularities.

Owing to SWEEPS’s ability to clean narrow areas of the root canal system, the final file size required for canal shaping can be significantly reduced, allowing for minimally invasive preparation. The procedure is patient-friendly, minimises the need for additional surgical procedures and can even be effective where previous root canal therapy has failed.

Fotona’s third-generation Adaptive Structured Pulse laser technology is the only available means of generating the SWEEPS mode of operation. More information can be found at

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