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How a global brand keeps its edge

Carsten Franke (left), Vice President Global Brand Management for KaVo Kerr, was involved in the development of the company's new logo. (Images: KaVo Kerr)


Thu. 23. March 2017


KaVo is leading the way in the dental market. Since 1909, countless innovations have been a testament to what the company is striving for: Dental Excellence. By harmonizing its imaging brand portfolio, presenting the future-oriented workflow system DTX Studio and delivering solution-based innovations, the company is defining a new and inspiring world of KaVo. To emphasize its strategy, KaVo now redefined its brand identity – for the first time since its inception almost hundred years ago. To offer an inside look at the process behind the brand evolution, we spoke with Carsten Franke, Vice President Global Brand Management for KaVo Kerr.

Of all the news KaVo is driving at this year’s IDS, you have overseen the most noticeable change: the new KaVo brand identity. With such a recognizable logo, the obvious first question is why did you change it?
Preparing the brand for the future is something we take seriously. KaVo is a highly dynamic company with a laser-like focus on quality and “smart innovation”. We have been making bold moves in terms of Research & Development investment, new product launches and the realignment of our imaging brand portfolio – just to name a few. These moves are defining a new world of KaVo. And we wanted our customers and the dental world to clearly notice that. In essence: KaVo is making Dental Excellence more visible now than ever.

What do you hope this new design communicates to the customer?
Based on the global research we have conducted: A modern, innovative, dynamic premium brand – just like KaVo and its products. We want customers to see the movement in the logo, conveying the agility and the progress we as a company are making. It’s also the affirmation of our position as a leading, global brand.

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